A We Are The World Thanksgiving Post!

  Your probably wondering what We are the World, Thanksgiving, and comic strips all have in common. The original "We are the World" was recorded on January 28 and released on March 7 1985. The whole reason for it was starving people in Africa (and to an extent the us) but mostly Ethiopia. 

 From 1983-1985, Ethiopia faced the worst famine in a century for that country and 1.2 million died! Around 200,000 were orphaned and hundreds of thousands became refugees. If you want to learn more you can do so here!  I know wiki's not the greatest resource but it gives you an idea of the tragedy.

 So how does all this connect to newspaper strips or Thanksgiving? On Thanksgiving or November 28, 1985 to be precise, many newspaper strips ran stories that featured either Africa starving or starving in general. Here are 6 of those strips, plus the actual music video of "We Are The World!" Enjoy and for those who celebrate it let us remember the reasons why we should be thankful for what we have! Happy Thanksgiving!
